We ship to locations throughout North America and some other parts of the world, depending on the compatibility of the cellular networks there.
Our products can be shipped to anywhere in the United States. Most of our products can also be shipped to locations outside of the United States, including Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and other U.S. Territories, Canada, Mexico, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as some locations in Central and South America.
We unfortunately cannot ship to locations in Europe, Africa, or Asia.
We can deliver our products to your home or office using either a Physical Mailing Address or Post Office Box. Please note that UPS will not deliver to PO boxes, but the United States Postal Service (USPS) can. In order to ensure prompt and accurate delivery of your package, it is always advisable to provide a physical mailing address for delivery, if at all possible.
If you are unsure of whether we can ship to your location, please contact us by phone at 800-590-3564, or by email at sales@ubersignal.com and one of our friendly and knowledgeable representatives will be able to assist you.